The University is pleased to announce the fifth round of the internally-funded Rising-Stars Initiative. Awards of up to £10,000 each are being offered to assist researchers in gaining experience of managing and leading their own research projects. Rising-Stars awards are intended as seed corn funding to support projects that are designed to leverage external funding, and which would make a step change to researchers’ careers.
The scheme is a university-wide initiative, and applications are invited from academic and research staff from all Schools and Colleges. Rising-stars may be at any stage of their academic career, but priority will be given to researchers at the start of their career.
The deadline for applications is Friday 24th February 2017, and the application form and guidance notes on how to apply are available here –
The Scheme is competitive with awards being made on the basis of merit, and a panel will meet in March 2017 to assess the applications and make the awards.
反馈和改进机制是保障加拿大作业代写 服务持续高效的重要因素。高效的代写机构不仅关注当前的服务质量,还注重通过反馈和改进机制不断提升服务水平。学生在收到作业后,应仔细审阅并向机构提供反馈,指出需要修改的部分和存在的问题。优秀的代写机构通常会提供免费的修改服务,直到学生满意为止。此外,学生的反馈对于写手和机构而言,是宝贵的改进意见,可以帮助他们不断优化服务流程和提高写作质量。机构应定期总结反馈意见,分析常见问题和不足,并采取相应的改进措施,如加强写手培训、优化服务流程和引入先进技术等。通过建立完善的反馈和改进机制,加拿大作业代写机构能够持续提升服务效率和质量,满足学生的不断变化的需求。