Need help with the new technologies?

dog jumping on beach

Hello fellow SASSers!

I’m sure many of you wake each morning thinking “will today be a SASS Teaching and Learning blog day?”, and that lately every day has been a crushing disappointment. Not today though! The blog crashes back into your life bringing joy links to training opportunities.

The blog has previously highlighted the core technologies that should support and facilitate our teaching in the coming year, you can click here for full descriptions of all the new tech, but now they are no longer abstract – help is available…..

  • For “go at your own pace” guidance, and how to get started with Panopto, Blackboard Ally, or Teams, please follow this link: the new tech and how to use it
  • If you want further support, there are also workshops coming up for Ally and Panopto. Find out when, and how to access, here: Remote Teaching and New Tech Workshops. If you’re feeling like you’ve missed out on anything other sessions are available on demand, so take a look at the page to see what’s being offered.
  • As meeting accessibility requirements is going to be important this year there is also training available in creating accessible documents, which you can sign up for here: IT training including Accessibility
  • If you were unable to attend the either of the Online Learning Strategy Workshops in July/ August, the videos, slides and other resources from these are available in the Teams area which you can join using this code vxq2nlx
  • Before you start planning and preparing for the new academic year you may also find the CLT resource Digitally Enabled Learning Resources useful. I summarised each section in a previous blog post; there are plenty of useful things there.

I know this is yet another list of stuff to do, during a busy time, and it is far from ideal. The start of term looms like storm clouds and, sadly, there is nothing I can do in my Pedagogy and Practice pyjamas ( remember them?) to stop it. Nevertheless, support and guidance is available in new tech, and module re-design, as and when we need it.

If you can think of anything else that could help you with your teaching and learning provision, please let me know in the comments below or email me.

Take care all,





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