
Welcome to the SASS Teaching and Learning Blog.

bridle path dappled in sunlight
bridle path dappled in sunlight

We hope to use this blog as a guide through the forest of stuff!

We are mindful that there’s going to be a lot to get to grips with as we approach, prepare for, and deliver, the next academic year. We hope this will be a space that provides some support and guidance, in the form of quick to digest information and clear signposts to more detail and the next steps.

The Learning and Teaching Academic Leads will be populating this blog with key info that will support your practice. In addition, all SASS staff are welcome to contribute. For example, you could:

NEW FOR JULY TO OCT ….tell us about any module or teaching changes planned for Semester 1…share with SASS for knowledge exchange, feedback and encouragement!


  • Write a short description/ case study/reflection on your teaching practice, for example… has anything worked especially well? Or, are you brave enough to share something that hasn’t worked?
  • Share resources…do you have materials you have designed/ websites you have identified/ articles that you have read, that others may find useful?
  • Share your thoughts/ opinions/confusions/concerns….

Basically, anything goes! Please use the form below…

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