B&W Darkroom

Black and White Darkroom in the Photo Unit

In order to use the darkroom you must have attended an induction workshop. Sign-up darkroom inductions can be booked via our SISO system: https://ubhpsu.siso.co. Click on the ‘Workshops’ icon to find out the dates of our upcoming workshops and click subscribe to register to attend.

Located on the second floor of the main building at Grand Parade, room 241, the black and white darkroom comes fully equipped and ready to use. Developer, stop bath and fixer are provided. Students are required to provide their own photographic paper or buy sheets from us. See our price list for further information.

Equipment consists of –

  • 10x De Vere 203 enlargers, allowing printing of 35mm, 120, and 5″x4″ negatives.
  • 1x Cathomag large format printer
  • 6x Durst Graduate enlargers.
  • Ilford black and white RC print processor, that can accept prints up to 20″x16″.
  • Tray and Fiber Based archival processing up to 20″x24″.
  • Drying rack for archival prints.

Please note that there is no food or drink allowed in the darkrooms, except bottled water.

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