I’d do anything for a piece of sun
Unable to think straight because I’m cold
My brain is zapping, my brain comes undone
It will not be so bad tonight, I’m told
The noises wake me with a start again
Echoing down the valleys, as foretold
The toilet block visit ends in more pain
Wrapped in a duvet, gravel rips my toes
I lose my sliders, now barefoot in rain
Now searching for my bed, counting the row
Of flapping snappy tents looking for one
To throw myself into, bending down low
I would fight a monster to feel the sun
Even pain of defeat would be more fun
Eating your dust
Mae’n wyntog
I collected the dead fish body you buried in my sandcastle
With a gingerbread man in a face covering hammock
Hearing sunshine in the distance
Touching on your giddy giggles
Hands in pockets, I did not step on the beach
Mae’n bwrw glaw
Watching from the car park
Dunes between us
Ble mae’r tŷ bach?
I overslept because I could not find the library
Mae’n oer
My tent howled in pain all night
I shook with glee
Trivia afternoons in the caravan
Playing cards held up my exhausted frame
Wyt ti eisiau siocled?
Jolly Easter Eggs
Wobbled down the path ahead of us
Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome
Head/thought abrade
I cracked out of sight