April 16


Food trucks, shipping containers, and stalls
Market day on the quay
A flash of colour and new wave sounds
Taking time to stop and pause
Snuggling up with a cup of tea
Surrounded by walkers and hounds

Dumbstruck by curt waiter
A near-perfect day, bar he
Walking from the cafe grounds
Reflecting on the exchange later
Confusion compounds

April 13


It happened slowly
I hadn’t expected to be out for so long
One hour turned to three

I should’ve turned around
And gone home
But we were waiting

For news from the hospital
So busying myself in weeds
I buried my unease

Scratched knees
Against raspberry bushes
Mind rushing

I felt it come on
As I watched the gate
They were late

Coming home
My face glowed
I knew pain

Was on it’s way