April 26


A servant of the land
Thrown into the world
The earth thankful
For the new forest you gifted

Your hands
Kneaded and needed
The ground
Where you will return

To nurture our memories

April 25


Something I can grow
Without effort
Or understanding
Pots lined up
Basil bows
At my brilliance
I dilly-dally
Along the paths
Watercan in hand
(quiet laugh)

I got all the thyme in the world

April 24


The blend
Is the aspect
To the trend
A challenge

A gradual transition
Slow and calculated
Pleasure in the process

Silky strands
Dance in my hands
As I find
Intense tiers

April 23

Love Less

Love Interruption

Roll me over slowly
Stick a knife inside me
And twist it all around

Assist my splintered trust
Tuck me into bed
Leave me safe and sound

Grab my fingers gently
Slam them in a doorway
Put my face into the ground

Release me instantly
Listen to my comments
Recognise my frown