My first week
My first week working in Augustine House library has been very enjoyable, and tiring. I knew I had become more unhealthy due to the fact I hardly ever leave my flat. But doing a physical job has shown me just how much! Hopefully the next few weeks will get me a little bit fitter before the September rush.
Working with a team has been so good for my mental health. My partner has noticed a change in me also. I have to admit my stress levels have felt much less. I have lots of great supportive folk around me, and that feels pretty awesome. My library job is only for three months but I’m thinking about returning to working in higher education permanently.
I’ve got to a point where I’m wondering what next year will bring me. I am due to finish my Masters in spring, and my other job ends in June. I had considered returning to Brighton to study but I feel like I’ve finally got to the point where I’m beginning to settle into my life in Kent (about time too!!!). I have been looking at the Centre for Practice Based Research in the Arts again.