February 29


I was doing a bit of math in mind after speaking to my partner. The last time it was a leap year, I was spending this month deleting all my blog entries prior to March 2016. You see, in February 2016 I withdrew from my undergraduate degree and I was trying to figure out what to do next. I can’t remember much about last leap day but I expect I was comparing it to leap day 2012 when I was having an anniversary meal in Northern Lights (now The Pipeline).

This week I’ve been unwell. Hardly surprising, when I look back at my writing, I can see the unease that comes before a bad mental health spell brewing for a month. I should probably acknowledge it, but I get so obsessed with beating it. I took a day off this week, but made it up later, but then I felt twice as bad and ended up having a full-blown panic attack yesterday. My partner tried to convince me to stay home this week, but I was convinced I should go to work because I’ve been flaky. I went to work later on Thursday because I got a bus with my partner’s sister. I had an opportunity to recite some of my poetry at an event that evening, and I wanted to attend an open evening so I spent an extra hour trying to calm myself that morning.

I was not thinking straight; I had a headache and felt unwell that day. The day passed quick enough; I remembered I had another upcoming meeting the next day and didn’t bother reading the agenda because I didn’t think I’d be on it. I worked a bit later so I could go straight to the event where I’d be reading poetry.

m e l t d o w n

And I freaked out. Like proper OMG these people will hear my words and my voice at the same time. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! So, I skipped the event and walked to the open evening, but I was too panicky so I got on the bus.

THEN less than five minutes later someone vomitted on the bus. I didn’t see it but I sure could smell it. And, when you feel sick being around someone else’s vomit is not good. I moved to the front of the bus because the draught from the front door was fresher. I asked my partner to meet me at my stop and he helped me home.

Yesterday I was thinking about sending my apologies to the meeting. Then my partner suggested I check the agenda. Sure enough, I was there on the agenda.

m e l t d o w n

I sent my apologies then I spent the rest of the week feeling like a failure and feeling ashamed. Breaking out in hives. Cancelling job interviews and pulling out my hair.


February 23


Every Sunday until September I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Universe Has Your Back deck and reflecting on it.

The universe works fast when I’m having fun.

This week was a toughy. I spent this morning hovering over an application form to continue counselling training. I’ve put it off three times now! Maybe it’s my brain telling me that this isn’t the path for me. If I had taken this path a year ago I would be two years away from being a qualified counsellor and I would have been able to do this training in a college (which would’ve been a saving of £1.1k+). If I had pursued this training years ago, when I first became interested in counselling I could be self-employed by now. And debt-free.

I’m still tender from my appointment last week, and I haven’t heard back from the interview. I have another interview lined up this week.

I noticed my poem on display, though:

And we’re only half-way through the day. A lot can happen in a day.