October 1


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Advice for mature students

Student view

Nina, MA Inclusive Arts Practice (part-time)

Where did you go to college before starting at Brighton?
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College. I did an Access to HE course in 2013-14 and an Award in Education and Training in 2015.

Which university events did you attend before applying?
I went to a talk on the Falmer campus, where I found out about the widening participation scheme. I hadn’t realised I was able to access additional support because all the schemes I had seen were aimed at teenagers. By applying through widening participation, I was able to attend a taster lecture in Humanities and speak to staff. As a result, I was the first person in my college to accept an offer to study at university that academic year.

How did the activities help your decision to apply to university?
The activities were extremely helpful for familiarising myself with the campus. I was so familiar I ended up applying for a job in the Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement department! The events and connections helped with my confidence. Before my course started I had a temporary job in the student union and a volunteer placement with ActiveStudent.

What made you choose Brighton?
I decided to study in Brighton after attending a UCAS fair with a friend. I ended up talking to a lady named Penny who made me feel very valued. She was so enthusiastic, I knew that I’d feel welcome in Brighton.

How is your experience of university life?
I cannot say enough great things about University of Brighton. I had a hugely difficult time when I experienced a bereavement in my family. I struggled with my mental health so I withdrew from my course. The support department kept in contact with me and when I felt able to apply again I opted for a PGCert. I interrupted after one module due to illness and job loss and eventually completed my PGCert in Inclusive Arts Practice in 2019. It was quite a journey!  I then reapplied to complete my Masters.

How are you managing your finances at university?
I always knew that I wanted to study part-time because I want to earn as I learn. I work in administration in Kent and attend most of my lectures virtually, so I save a lot on travel.

What are the highlights of your course so far?
Honestly, I love my whole course. My lecturers are very inspiring and I’m close to my classmates – there is a feeling of community on my course. I particularly liked presenting my research poster in the Tate Exchange, although it was very emotional. I grew up in a household where university was not seen as an achievable goal, and here I was in a museum and people were reading my words!

​​​Student Nina

Posted October 1, 2020 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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