June 21


Every Sunday until September I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Universe Has Your Back deck and reflecting on it.

I find a deeper meaning and personal growth amid the discomfort.

I hope this card is true It has been a painful week. My mind is overwhelmed and I am trying to stay strong for people around me.


Posted June 21, 2020 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

2 thoughts on “Discomfort

  1. Tom Delahunt

    Hi Nina

    You commented on the very first post for the #poeticnursingheart please get in touch to write a blog with me..

  2. Tom Delahunt

    I want to continue in the path of unlearning self identity and place a sustainable change within the void that exists between arts, health and education.

    I woke to a wonderful warm storm cycle. It was whispering of change. A movement that is elemental and full of charged positives.

    I know that I am forever opposed to systems and I want to form one that I recognise. A good friend said yesterday that I was not born for this time.

    Future thinking is key. So I stood in the early morning rain and listened to the movement and thunder surrounding me. I was so very happy.


    Please read and poetically respond to this sentiment of consciousness. You are so right about sitting within a void of pain.



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