March 8

Energy and intention

Every Sunday until September I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Universe Has Your Back deck and reflecting on it.

The more energy and intention I bring to my faith, the more fearless and free I am.

The private house sale I alluded to over the past half a year did not happen. Me and my partner decided never to talk about it again, because my temper will flare. I don’t want to be angry; nobody was at fault and nobody did anything wrong. But the lack of trust and communication stung. My partner said it perfectly when he said that our offer wasn’t taken seriously, and people made judgements on us without consulting us.

Letting go of these feelings has been difficult especially as I’ve been feeling run down for the past couple of weeks. I’ve had some more job, and writing, rejections. And the news is worrying me; I have vulnerable loved ones – the future seems so uncertain.

I am trying to take positives away from this, and it has been a learning experience. I learnt that the housing market is vicious; and if I was the sort of person who was distrustful I’d say it’s rife with tip-offs and backhanders. You have to be confident when dealing with solicitors and agents. And you have to know when to step away.

I’m stepping away for a loooooooong time now.



Posted March 8, 2020 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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