February 23


Every Sunday until September I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Universe Has Your Back deck and reflecting on it.

The universe works fast when I’m having fun.

This week was a toughy. I spent this morning hovering over an application form to continue counselling training. I’ve put it off three times now! Maybe it’s my brain telling me that this isn’t the path for me. If I had taken this path a year ago I would be two years away from being a qualified counsellor and I would have been able to do this training in a college (which would’ve been a saving of £1.1k+). If I had pursued this training years ago, when I first became interested in counselling I could be self-employed by now. And debt-free.

I’m still tender from my appointment last week, and I haven’t heard back from the interview. I have another interview lined up this week.

I noticed my poem on display, though:

And we’re only half-way through the day. A lot can happen in a day.


Posted February 23, 2020 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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