April 18

Jelly legs

A gentle stroll
Ends in you
Laid out of the grass
Next to a grave

You recall the night
Describing the evening to friends
As your legs gave way
We laugh

Except you are old
And ill
The wine and lager damage you
Alone in a crematorium

Half a century ago
The story would be different
The laugh would be genuine
Not laced with fear

It’s weird how age
Changes the viewpoint
Independence and freedom become loneliness
Foolishness becomes danger

Grass stains were a sign of a fun night
Now they remind me to leave my number with a neighbour

April 17

The Translator

Competent, hmmm I am not sure of the vowel here
Better say something else
I don’t want to blow my own trumpet but
I feel I can identify and emphasise
With those that share similar life experiences

My understanding is
I believe my strength

I don’t know how to describe my life philosophy
I want people to feel good and empowered

Ha. I’m a good communicator
Except for my hestitation
I know how to prepare my speech

What is the word?

A time that comes to mind is
My research poster from three years ago

That’s it. I modify my vocabulary for the appropriate situation
I think it is important to talk in plain English
Because academic language can isolate folk


April 16


My constant companion
The beginning of my most joyful moments
The recipient of my secrets
The victim of my anger

Fear comes after we spend time together
And release

Everywhere I am, you are nearby
Always seen out the corner of my eye

In pockets
Assessing me
Requesting things of me

I destroy you

April 15

Here’s your challenge

You ask me what I think your biggest challenge is
Oddly, mine is understanding hidden requests
I get that I have to point out a negative
But put a positive spin on it

I get that
I don’t like it though

I want to be honest
Because I care and want to make a difference

In my mind, your biggest challenge is that the whole system needs to be overhauled

On my lips, I think we can overcome this by building meaningful relationships with strategic partners

April 14


I can’t hear you
No, don’t shout
Or em pha sise your syl lab les

I’m tired
My head hurts
And it’s full

Of other voices
I am juggling them
On top of trying to read your lips

A drone
My face creases
No peace