May 30

My final day in Higher Education

I am always reluctant to do goodbye posts, mainly because I often end up returning. But this time feels different – and that’s worth exploring.

Today is my final day working in a university. And I withdrew my acceptance to study a Masters earlier this year, so this is the first time in the past five years where I have not been connected to higher education in some way (either as an applicant, student or staff member). It feels sad to be leaving, but I feel ready to let go! The change feels like it was meant to be. My passion is driving me; I’m happy and I’m thankful to the route that brought me here.

I am excited about my new role.

May 29

Is it weird I’m going to miss my desk?

I sat eating lunch today (yes! I took a break) and it suddenly dawned on me that I am going to miss my desk. I have my own office that I share with a colleague. My colleague does a lot of remote working so I am pretty much alone two days a week. I have my own space and a pretty swish desk.

My desk at Canterbury Christ Church University

My desk at Canterbury Christ Church University

I mean, look at it! I am so proud of it that I put some hooks up on the legs so my charging cable and headphones don’t make as much mess.

This is the type of desk I imagined sitting at in my forties, wearing a knitted tank top and gazing out the window. I’ll miss you desk. You are beautiful.

April 29


My penultimate month
In university
And I’ve finally found the courage to face you

We met last year
I had been avoiding you for some time

Refusing to work with you
Asking colleagues to deal with you

Over time we were introduced
I was in awe of your capacity
But always at fault

Months later people were asking me about you
Making requests I did not want to complete
I didn’t know how to begin

The stress pulsed at my temples
I resented you

But I knew that it was not me that broke you
It was the person before me
And the person before them
Who brought you in with no knowledge
Of how you work

I had to sit down and tear you apart
I saw how you were put together
But more than that
I saw the gaps in you that nobody noticed

And felt anger that you were corrupted

Deep down, there was no order or reason
To how they treated you
I hope I can fix you before I leave