June 13


I let go and allow the universe to do her thing

I let go and allow the universe to do her thing

I love a good blogging challenge, and I noticed some of the erotic blogosphere are taking part in Every Damn Day in June.

Everyday I will be plucking a card from my Miracles Now card deck and writing about what comes to mind…

The universe has my back.

It’s hard to write that without feeling like a faux spiritualist.

By nature I consider myself anarchist, and I won’t go into the free will versus determinism debate because, uh, time.

If I was to simplify my view of the world it would be

it is.

No more, no less, no reason, no questions. Just acceptance.

One of the things I notice about beliefs are that people want to challenge them (including and especially people challenging their own beliefs). This is OK, but it can cause self-doubt. After all, what you if cannot find the rationale of your ideas? What if you find a place of uncertainty? Or what if you dislike that answers you uncover? The questions are endless…

But do they matter?

And this is the point where there appears to be a contradiction in my beliefs. How can I thank the universe if I don’t think it’s a higher power? Who/What am I grateful to?

To some, they will feel driven to know the answer to these questions.

But I counter with Why? Why do I/they/you need to know?

I am living my best life, I am content. I am happy to leave it there.

This card reminds me good stuff is around me.


Posted June 13, 2019 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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