April 15

Here’s your challenge

You ask me what I think your biggest challenge is
Oddly, mine is understanding hidden requests
I get that I have to point out a negative
But put a positive spin on it

I get that
I don’t like it though

I want to be honest
Because I care and want to make a difference

In my mind, your biggest challenge is that the whole system needs to be overhauled

On my lips, I think we can overcome this by building meaningful relationships with strategic partners

April 14


I can’t hear you
No, don’t shout
Or em pha sise your syl lab les

I’m tired
My head hurts
And it’s full

Of other voices
I am juggling them
On top of trying to read your lips

A drone
My face creases
No peace

April 13

Black Spitz

Things happen
A spitz for sale in Deal
Being shortlisted for a job interview
Writing about adoptee experiences
And then being phoned to speak about it
A job working from home
Beating a backlog
Fixing some code
Finding a dinosaur crane
Buying an eyelash comb
Progressing to the next level in counselling

Nina, you’re good at this.

April 12


Conveyor belt
Cute circles
I cannot believe I am here

At first I was nervous
Afraid to look inexperienced
Even though I blatantly was

The chopsticks made me feel awkward
Inappropriate and offensive
I didn’t belong

This was a place
Not for me
White uneducated

The cucumber maki
Was my saving grace
The perfect size

I went home later
And wrote:
Sushi makes me realise how far I’ve come

April 11

A New Look

Imagine someone snipping off days, months and years
Like a barber
Split ends swept away

This is your new look

It was not a rejection, or neglection of what went before
This is supposed to help you feel good
A makeover

So what if the foundation isn’t perfect?
That is what concealer is for

Outline the best features and blend the rest

When we talk about natural beauty we mean beauty that can pass as natural
Rather than appreciation of the raw state