March 8


Today I put on a brave face but felt 🆖

It’s IWD and I’ve achieved lots. I had a job interview, was offered another job (no! not the one I interviewed for but another one which I had to withdraw from because they wanted me to start immediately and I can’t), noticed my favourite museum is recruiting so I applied for a role there, I found a picture of myself in the new CCCU prospectus, figured out how to do some basic animations on my smartphone, volunteered to write a piece for an upcoming collaborative book of prose, timed the alternative route to work so I can ensure I avoid a bully and I handed in my notice to leave my temporary contract at the three month interval. On paper, I was badass.

In my head, I collapsed. I am so far beyond exhausted. But more than that I’m embarrassed. Last month I was blogging about how strong/good/odd I feel. I am constantly trying to embed mindfulness and positivity into my life. Then I’m sidelined by my own mental health.

It’ll take me a while to recover from this, but I know I will.


Posted March 8, 2018 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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