I had another seminar last week where my group discussed what we need to do to complete our module. I feel confident I have done half of the assessment already. The other half is putting a portfolio together. I haven’t been creative at all this year until this morning. I’ve set myself a weekly challenge to do two or more collages or zine pages. I’m happy with the second piece I did today.
I’m not used to sharing much of my work. But my cohort have a private social media account. I posted a handful of pieces this week (two old, two new). And I definitely feel refreshed after the discussions in my seminar this week. One of the activities involved thinking about our artist statement.
I am no longer sure what my statement is or what I want it to be. So I decided to use my practice to analyse my practice. It was helpful in some ways, but mostly just focussed on wellbeing. Which is something I will be exploring in upcoming weeks.