December 3

Alternative career

One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is what What could have been an alternative career for you? I’ve been thinking about this question a lot. I don’t think I even have a career, so an alternative career seems like pondering what I’d do if I won the lottery (FYI, I’d buy this and split the rest between loved ones).

The truth is that changes and challenges keep me stimulated, however I need security. In my experience, change and security have been mutually exclusive.

If I had a permanent safety net, here are things I’d like to try:


I am a huge fan of the French graphical style (as my tattooist calls it).



I would aim to do this kind of style one day but I’d probably be a flash-only artist for a good ten years before branching out into my experimental styles. Basically I’d be a not-very-good tattooist, but my heart would be in it! (this is why I never pestered any studios for an apprenticeship, I believe if you’re going to change someone’s skin forever you ought to be very very good).

Pop-up doughnut shop baker

Because it would be fun and I think I’m social media savvy enough to get good promotion and OK at applying for grants (I genuinely love doing it!)

A well-being motivator

My ex-colleague and fellow alumnus Kathryn founded the Business of Introverts. I love how she managed to create a business that worked to her strenghts. For a long time I was trying to find my place in the world. Then I realised I need to create my own place. And that means rather than finding one career that makes me feel fulfilled (I’m still hoping to find that one day!) I do a bit of everything that makes me happy. Right now I’m an administrator, student, blogger, artist and self-carer. This changes week-to-week.

I’d like a platform where I could remind people that their job doesn’t define them unless they want it to, and that they are worthy of happiness. And all that other lovey-dovey stuff.

Posted December 3, 2017 by N¡na in category EduBlogsClub

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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