Following on from yesterday’s post about The Path, I thought I’d write about another Tale of Tales game that is resonating with me lately.
The Graveyard is reminding me how powerless I feel at the moment. There is ill health in my family and, by now, I wanted to be financially secure enough that I would be able to support my relatives. But I am decades away from that type of security. I am making less money now than I have ever made in my life. I know this insecurity is probably only temporary, sooner or later I’ll get a full-time permanent job. But career regression is something I was never prepared for – and it feels scary.
Last month I really wanted to visit someone who had just suffered a loss. I couldn’t. I had no money to get the train/coach. So I sat at home making phonecalls and reading their texts of pain.
The Graveyard is better described as an interactive piece of art, rather than a game. The movement of the main character, and the mannerisms which are familiar to me, are endearing. There is a bittersweetness here.