I’ve been looking at flats to rent in Brighton. I shouldn’t really be doing this, but I’m hoping I will secure a job in the next few months. So I wanted to see what I can realistically afford (answer: not much). However, I did see a cheap studio to rent and it was in excellent condition. I don’t mind the size of a property as long as it is comfortable. In Brighton you see really awful property. I wish I kept a record because you might not believe some of the things. I do remember seeing a medium sized room that was a kitchenette/lounge and thinking where is the bedroom? Then, I noticed a ladder attached to a partition wall. The bed was above the kitchenette – the owner had put in a structure so the room was like a cabin bed. There was probably a couple of feet between the bedmattress and original ceiling.
The studio I saw was in Brighton Marina, Western Concourse. I did a search and found lots of property there listed for sale as a leasehold. Some are really cheap but will only accept a cash payment. I don’t know much about leaseholds but they seem OK for someone in my position. In the long run they’d be cheaper than half of the flats I looked at.
I wouldn’t be in a position to think about this for at least two years (that’s providing I can get a permanent job with my desired salary). However, it’s a nice fantasy to get me through those glum moments.