About Nadia Nuseibeh

A 3rd Year Business Student from the University of Brighton exploring the digital world, trying to pass.

5 Tips on How To Create A Successful Instagram Page (Social Media Marketing for your company)

Instagram is one of the top social media platforms that people interact online with today. It has over 200 million daily active users (techcrunch.com, 2017) and approximately 80 billion photos shared per day.

As a business on Instagram trying to achieve a certain level of recognition, it can be hard, especially if you’re a start up company.


1.Unlike Facebook, there are “wrong” things to post. By “wrong” I mean, things that won’t attract your preferred or relevant target audience.

How do you know if you’re posting the wrong thing?

  • If your followers are not clearly increasing
  • If you post pictures that are not relevant or have no relation to your company
  • If your pictures and captions have no relation to each other whatsoever.

How do you know if you’re posting the right thing?

  • Everything opposing the above
  • If the number of likes increasing significantly
  • If you receive business inquiries or opportunities in the direct message section
  • If people are beginning to comment (hence feedback)


  • On Instagram there are rarely any negative comments or feedback given to small firms. The only time a chaotic outbreak of angry Instagramers will attack, is probably over a meme (will will come back to this now)
  • Not all messages you receive via direct message are legitimate, some might be spam or even scams, so always stay alert and never give your personal information to someone online that can easily be hacked into


2. Use the force. Use the power of the Hashtag. The Hashtag is the most powerful thing known to the social media heads, it allows to track a trend, posts that follow the trend; it allows people to express themselves in the most calming and cooling of ways… #InstaLovin’

Things you should tag;

  • Your company’s name, things related to your company’s industry, things that are in the picture, feelings about the picture and reference to occasions if applicable.
  • If you want to go the extra mile, you can hashtag the following which will increase likes and possibly followers but won’t likely attract a loyal or genuine customer base, its all about the numbers on Insta for these guys: #instalove #instagood (basically anything with the word insta before it), #l4l (meaning like for like, a trade of numbers), #f4f (follow for follow), hashtag things relating to summer, love and beauty. Additionally hash tagging current trends or celebrities brings in a lot of numbers.

Things you shouldn’t tag;

  • Long sentences unless they refer to something humorous.
  • Short sentences unless they describe something your audience will understand (maybe relating to the company or occasion in the picture).
  • And NEVER EVER EVER hashtag things that are negative, that just brings the ambiance down, and the people who follow such hashtags along with it.


  • When you hashtag never go into too much detail or describe things your normal customer wouldn’t comprehend or show interest in


3. Follow people who you think will be interested in your business

How do you distinguish/find those who will be interested in your business?

  • They will have similar posts to what your company posts
  • They will most likely have a caption stating briefly what they are interested in, and if you think that related to your company, that is up to your judgement.
  • You can find them by searching the trend of a hashtag that closely related to your company, they may have posted pictures with such hashtags, but the followers you should attend too are ultimately those who liked that specific content. (I know what you’re thinking, its going deep, but it’s all up to how much you want to succeed in the Instagram World of Marketing)
  • You can track the likes of those who you follow and click on those pictures to find users who interacted with the content. (like, comment or posted)

What if you follow too many inactive or unresponsive users?

  • There is an App available on the appstore and on android, called Followers, which allows you to see for free, your increase of followers and post rate, as well as your average of likes a post. You can also see who you have followed, who did not follow you back and your ghost followers (people who are inactive with your account but still follow you).

4. (This is optional of course, but very much present on the marketing scene) Nudity is not advised, but it is encouraged in the most subtle of ways. Not only in a dirty way, but it subconsciously allows the viewer to feel a little spark of summer, providing a warm comfort they won’t fully comprehend. This is probably why most marketing and advertising campaigns involve some kind of nudity.

Define nudity;

  • It is alright to post a picture of girls and guys in a casual atmosphere wearing shorts or a tight shirt.
  • It must not be provocative at all, not even the slightest.
  • It’s alright to show a little skin as long as it is tasteful.

How do you know when the nudity is too much nudity?

  • Its too much when you don’t need to use your imagination anymore.
  • It is too much when the individual(s) make you feel uncomfortable (or uncomfortably comfortable)


  • Don’t try to push the limits because nobody wants to see something they shouldn’t be seeing.
  • #FreeTheNipple supporters are a different story.

5. Make sure your photo content is original, no one admires a copy cat.

6. Conclusion and Further Reading

In conclusion, I hope these 4 ways will help increase your grasp and reach on your wanted tareget audience. Here are a few references as well as additional reading, and a link to find the app Followers:

Followers App : https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/followers-for-instagram-follower-analytics/id566223681?mt=8

Instagram Statistics: https://techcrunch.com/2017/04/26/instagram-700-million-users/

Instagram Wants You Naked: https://www.attn.com/stories/6182/get-your-ass-nature-instagram

Psychology of the Naked Selfie: https://techcrunch.com/2014/11/29/the-psychology-of-the-naked-selfie/

Find Your Popular Hashtags Here: http://www.tagsforlikes.com/


Different Social Media Platforms, Different Target Audience: Knowing which social media platform should your business focus on growing.

Social media platforms are like bars, not everyone hangs out at the same ones. – Nadia Nuseibeh (2013)

Each business is different in its own way. Hence the trademark and copyrights. But what comes with great difference comes with great social media profiles. It is apparent that social media platforms address different internet social media needs and attract different target audiences. This means that the digital marketing game is played slightly differently on each platform.

Different social media platforms present different target audiences.

Here we will have a look at a few major social media platforms and assess their users as well as the business who market themselves on it.

Image result for Facebook logo

1. Facebook 

  • Types of users that the business will target:

Facebook has the most users per month averaging at an astonishing 1.63 Billion. Everyone from your 13 year old niece, to your 92 year old grandmother should have a Facebook account by now. Facebook is one of, if not the most, diverse social media platform today. With user numbers like that, as a business looking to market online, it would be hard to miss your target market.

  • Things to post about:

Everything from casual updates to events and advertising. According to BoostLikes (2014) the best times for a business to post on Facebook are Wednesdays and Fridays (approximately around 11am, 3pm and 8pm).

  • Unique features:

You can interact with users to start a discussion, create polls to allow people to vote on a certain question and create events hosted by the business’s page itself.

  • What kinds of businesses should make this their main social media page?:

Local businesses, such as flower shops, or salons will receive more of a success rate here rather than other social media platforms as it will be easier to target local audiences through their suggested friends as well as their likes.

  • Slight negative: 

According to Wallaroo Media (2017) it is hard for a business to grow their brand organically on Facebook as they have an algorithm which is changed constantly. This means that if you want your Facebook Page to get noticed quick, you might have to pay for an advertising spot.

  • Additional helpful links:

Here is a bog that I personally found helpful. A step by step guide to improve your Facebook page: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/top-10-must-read-tips-run-successful-facebook-business-page

Image result for twitter logo

2. Twitter

  • Types of users that the business will target:

Although each Tweet is only 140 characters long, Twitter has 750 million users. Most people who use it tend to follow closely the bigger corporations. According to MediaBistro (2013), 67% of users who follow brands are most likely to buy from them.

  • Things to post about:

Quick announcements, small replies to consumers or potential clients.

  • Unique features:

You can see how many people favourite your tweet. You can reply to other peoples tweet separately and your followers can see just your reply (any publicity is good publicity; speaking of Gordon Ramsey’s latest roast tweets to his fans). You can tweet all the time, a frequent post is good, although, BufferApp (2013) has found that the engagement on Twitter is 17% higher on weekends.

  • What kinds of businesses should make this their main social media page?:

Well established, medium to large brands and cooperations such as Wendy’s (American Dinner) and Uber. Companies whom want to communicate directly yet with specific people of the public.

  • Slight negative: 

Everything must be brief. Not efficient for long, serious, professional statements.

  • Additional helpful links:

Here is an interesting blog on how to make the most out of your business Twitter: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/small-businesses-twitter-marketing/

Image result for instagram logo

3. Instagram

  • Types of users that the business will target:

Instagram has over 300 million users who share over 60 million images a day onto the platform. The users here are mostly into being visually seduced and are most likely to follow celebrities, fashion or travel accounts. According to the Instagram Press Page 2017: More than half of the Age Demographic is between 18-29.

  • Things to post about:

What we must remember here, Instagram is a more visual social media platform, which means, most of the basis of followings come from photo content rather than caption/word content. This means that the things to post must represent things in a photographically appealing way. Anything can be uploaded onti Instagram, but it simply matters on how you capture it. Post at 5pm at the end of the work day and at night before bed. Post a maximum of twice a day.

  • Unique features:

The main focus for this application is that it is photo and video based, which means people will take the time to admire effort that has been put into a post. The followers you receive will have a suggested link to you for their newly followed followers if there is a past interest in something relating to your business.

  • What kinds of businesses should make this their main social media page?:

Fashion Brands such as Chanel or Prada, Travel agencies such as Thompson Holidays, Lifestyle brands etc.

  • Slight negative: 

Videos are only a maximum of 60 seconds long.

  • Additional helpful links:

Here is a fun link with advise on how to spruce up your Instagram page: http://sendible.com/insights/7-tips-for-using-instagram-for-business


4. Useful tools:

URL shortener Bitly shrinks down your link, and allows you to see which posts the clicks leading to your page are coming from.

Additional reads: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/9-companies-doing-social-media-right-and-why/

Take a GOOGLE DIGITAL MARKETING COURSE: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=149700625&utm_content=fb_gb_business&utm_campaign=fb_gb_business




How To Not Suck At Email Marketing

If you have a company, an organisation, or even if you’re just a wannabe famous person with a few followers, you should be familiar with the simple yet not so simple, concept of e-mail marketing. *Yay*



As all emails, nobody wants to read through a bunch of stuff just because it’s stacked over the part we want to get to. We are turning into a fast pace kind of generation. People barely even take the time to read books anymore, we just skim through things. That being said, DO NOT OVER DO IT. Get straight to the point, make it clear, make it vibrant. Blogger Sophia Bernazzani says that “everyone’s behaviour is different, so be flexible”. This quote was interesting to me, as, how the hell are you supposed to know how each and every person feels or interprets, or what their preferences are. I say BS, flexibility just provides room for questions. And when you send and e-mail you don’t want them to ask any questions. you want them to come in, go out knowing what the hell they just read, fully understanding, and of course at the same time, all with a smile (we’ll get to that later). To conclude: Be clear, it’s an email, not a blog for fudge sake.


Depending on the type of organisation you have, you may want to assess what time and day is best in order for your audience to read it almost instantaneously. For example, if you are a theatre promoting shows through your emails, it is most likely that the target audience will read it later on in the evening, preferably after work. It is essential to experiment with the timings of your emails as well are the intensity of the content. Nobody wants to wake up to an email about helping children in need, when a better response might be received later on during the day after they have gotten home, relaxed and had a large glass of wine, trying to unwind and forget about their hectic never-ending work day.

 Image result for wine long day at work email couch


We are only human, therefore, not everyone can be constantly interested in what you have to say, or what you are trying to promote to them. If they mark your email as spam, take them off your recipient list. It is important to maintain integrity, even though it can be hard whilst being involved in marketing.


Never ever think that just because one email was received successful feedback, that if you follow the same protocol, you will receive the same results. Audiences look to be captivated, not bored by repetitiveness. Change it up, convey your message in different ways. Change is good. It may not seem like a smart choice leaving your comfort zone, but in fact, it will keep the audience questioning the innovative side of the email overtime they tap the open button.


Its always a good idea to lighten the mood. If there is one thing people share in common, its the pursuit for the feeling of happiness. If you can slide in a little joke towards the end, or even near the greeting, it will stimulate some sort of emotional connection to the client. Allowing them to feel more at ease, when reading the rest of the email and perceiving the email in a light hearted fashion.


It’s hard coming up with a great name for your email without sounding too eager or desperate for attention. But the bolder you are with the title, the more attention your email will receive. When thinking of titles, I suggest a pun, or even just a one or two word title. Something straight to the point is usually attractive to customers who are on a busy schedule, so as I previously stated, it all relates back to the kind of consumers you have attracted with your business (or whatever).

Digital Marketing Proposal For Uber


Uber has become successful is a significantly short amount of time. It has blossomed and grown to heights most companies would have never seen in their lifetime. Uber keeps coming out with new ways to promote its company over and over again, allowing for minimal spread of negative press or even positive press. They have not used third parties such as News Papers to announce their arrival to a new city. In fact, they don’t even announce it themselves. It is a hidden fact that Ubers digital marketers have taken over the industry by storm. They have allowed themselves to thrive on mostly all major social media platforms allowing maximum connections with the target audience. They have gone from event stunts (such as Uber Valentines and Uber Kittens) to Celebrity Stunts (such as the Ed Norton of Fight Club fame) promoting the company with a mere word of mouth.

So how do you only go up from here? Innovation. New ideas are what makes the world go round, what keeps people motivated. We are always looking for bigger and better things. In Ubers case, stick with or start a trend.

The targeted market is for people on the go, those who need to know whether or not to take an umbrella out to dinner tonight, or if it’ll be easy to find a parking space. Or simply call an uber for those rainy days, and save your self a parking ticket with a ride from Uber. so what better than a weekly Uber News letter to those who have an account? Uber will not only then rely on whether or not the audience sees their post, but customers will be notified and interested in what Uber News has to say as it concerns them directly.

Email Campaign

Lets take an example of Uber in London.

Those with location services on, will be recognised as London based customers. As so forth for other people around the globe who use Uber. As you travel, you will not only receive information from the country you are visiting but the country you are from (where you have set your home location on the app). This will be generated by an online server.

The introductory News Letter for London Uber Customers shall look something like this:

Email Sample


To: London Uber Cutomers

Subject: Your Weekly Uber News

Hello Londoners,

We recognise how busy and fast pace your schedules can be in this city, we are here to help. Not only to give you a ride to your desired location, but to inform you on how your city is feeling today.
First up; The Weather
Looks like this week is sweater weather! Can’t find a jacket warm enough? That’s okay, Uber will get you wherever you need to go in a nice warm car! Ask our drivers to stop for a hot beverage if you must!
Second up; Traffic and Car Crowding
Looks like some lines on the underground are being held up today. And some highways have part closure for the rest of the week, do you know any back roads? How about we get you there without any frustration? Sit back and relax, and let one of our Uber drivers handle your transportation needs.
 More at tfl.gov.uk
Third up; Entertainment Of The Week
Beyonce is having twins! You don’t care? Neither do we, but apparently, it’s hit the stands big time!
Ed Sheeran’s new song “Shape of You” hits the charts like none other before, becoming one of his biggest hits! Well aren’t we all in love with the shape of money, congratulations Ed!
A restaurant in Shoreditch called Dirty Bones, is sweeping the nation with it’s Mac’n’Cheese Burger!
               Inline image 1
Fourth up; Politics or Poli-tricks?
Trumps Muslim Ban is causing protest and worry for all people of islam around the globe. How do you feel about this policy? Write to us your views stating why you are for or against his recent changes.
A group of squatters have been caught in an empty Belgravia Mansion said to be worth £15M. Squatters said “How can a huge house be left empty, whilst people like us have no where to go?”. None were prosecuted, but force was used to evacuate the premises.
              Inline image 2
Fifth up; Weekly Uber Game (Interactive with a link leading to ther Uber website where game will be connected to the Uber journey) 
Love Uber? Love Food? Ride with us and find all the words in this puzzle for a Promo Code giving a 10% Discount for Uber Riders a a selected restaurant this week!
*Conditions include: Completing the puzzle whilst on an Uber Journey. Must find all words before journey is finished. Promo code will be sent via e-mail and can be used only once before the end of the week.


















Sixth up; Uber Easter! (Occasional Event Announcement)

Easter is coming! And our favourite activity is an Easter Egg Hunt! But here at Uber, we spice it up with an Easter Uber Hunt!
This easter we are giving you the chance to play #EasterUberHunt where an Uber decorated as an easter egg will be driving around the streets of london for a whole month!
If you are lucky enough to get a ride from the #EasterUber then your ride will be free! But hold on, those who spot it on the street won’t have an empty #UberEaster, if you catch the license plate, it will be a promo code for £1 off your next ride!
Image result for Car easter eggs  (possibility of car shape and design)
Thanks for being a part of our Uber family!
Hope to get a request from you soon!
Uber London



In conclusion, I really truly believe that this idea will be effective and allow consumers to interact directly, not only reminding them of Uber, but allowing them to engage with them in a fun way.


UBER: An Online Dynasty

Uber is an American (California) based online transportation network which allows users to order a taxi from their smartphones whilst viewing the location of their uber driver in real time on a digital map. Uber was well known for their advertisments many years ago, specifically through discount codes and offers for new customers. Nowadays, Uber as a whole company is worth approximately 50 Billion US Dollars, is still thriving and dominating the ”order online” taxi/transportation network. Uber Drivers use their own cars and are not necessarily classified as proffesional drivers who have outstanding knowledge of the streets in which they drive in. They are located in over 500 different cities around the world, leaving them with many competitors. They’re main competitors are; in the UK is Hailo, and in the US is Lyft.

New Uber Logo and App Icon
Image result for screenshot of uber map brighton

According to Chaffey and Smith (2008) internet marketing can be used to identify the customers needs, anticipate customers purchases and satisfy customer electronic needs.

Overview of Uber’s Website and Other Social Media Platforms (Facebook and Twitter)

Twitter was once the most used social media platform on the planet. Ever since the rise of Facebook, it has faced a dramatic downfall in online activity globally. This can also explain the slow activity and minimal communication between Uber Twitter and target market. Nevertheless, the level of customer service provided and shown through their twitter account is exceptional.



The layout of the website itself is simple, easy for almost anyone to comprehend. Easy going, inviting and clear. Who doesn’t love to see a smile on someone’s face? We can obviously see, as far as traditional marketing goes, they are associating their brand with an emotion. The emotion of happiness and possibilities (as can be concluded from their slogan). It is a nice sight to see as soon as you log onto their website. Makes you feel a little more trust worthy towards their services, especially with the guy in the back who has his seatbelt on. But as we all know, some Uber drivers out there are assholes. Particularly towards their disabled customers. Now, I am speaking from experience from 3 different Uber requests made in London, and when the Uber drivers saw that I was with a disabled man who had trouble walking to the car, just drove off and cancelled the trip. Not once but 3 times. But then again I shouldn’t be too harsh, cause I have met some wonderful people as well. It’s just luck I guess. Well this is a blog, so I don’t feel that bad about going on a little rant. 


Facebook: In addition, this was a screenshot I had personally taken Saturday 10th of December of an actual public comment from Uber’s Sponsored Facbook video “Uber Giving”.Displaying image2.PNG

Displaying image1.PNG

Uber is not even trying to turn the negative press into positive by replying or apologising directly and publicly on the comment. Here is one way to improve their advertising in this field is to use the opportunity to engage with the customers whether a negative or positive comment.



Ubers Online and Offline Communications systems

  1. Search Marketing

This type of service has a high demand, and with rapid development in technology and a new generation of techies are arising. This industry’s demand is only going to get higher. When we need a ride or a taxi, it is hard to determine how reliable, timely or affordable street cabs can be.

Uber Last Month PPC


As we can gather, Uber spends between 82-121 thousand US Dollars on PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising as it’s competitor Lyft only spends approximately between 19-30 thousand US Dollars. As we can see, Uber outspends its nearest competitor by thousands. But how do the target audience find these Ads? By Keywords that are typed into Google or other search engines.

The Keywords is where we can see how each company is using they’re advertisement and what they want to get out of it. For example Ubers top Keywords revolve around actual taxis and services relating to it. Therefore we can see that Uber’s main priority through advertising is trying to attract customers. Whereas Lyft’s advertisements have Keywords aimed to attract drivers to work for them.

Note: Numbers are based on public data and may there for not amount to the exact statistical data above.


Influencers are individuals that have a high level of credibility by a large audience towards a specific field, Wonk (2014).screen-shot-2016-12-12-at-20-03-32

As we can see here from BuzzSumo.com when typing in Uber Taxis, it is visible that youtube is one of the largest online influencers for Ubers Online Marketing.


In conclusion, Uber have not achieved a stable and acceptable internet marketing strategy. Apart from their marketing stunts such as #UberKittens, they have no received a warm or positive majority flow from their customers. As is shows, Twitter is shows to be a more customer based platform than Facebook which is more of a platform for their own company’s publications and advertisements. Nevertheless, Uber has not taken advantage of the customers comments, whether negative or positive. They could use this as an opportunity to portray themselves as caring (to look past the negative feedback). Uber’s brand image has not been affected by negative publicity. But in the long term when Uber sinks into the populations day to day life, the customer/driver will want to negotiate better rights.


Chaffey, Dave, et al. Internet marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. Pearson Education, 2009.

Chaffey, Dave. E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Pearson Education, 2007.

BuzzSumo. 2016. BuzzSumo. [ONLINE] Available at: https://app.buzzsumo.com/research/most-shared?type=articles&result_type=total&num_days=365&general_article&infographic&video&guest_post&giveaway&interview&q=uber&page=1. [Accessed 12 December 2016].

Uber vs. Lyft: Who’s Winning the PPC Battle? |. 2016. Uber vs. Lyft: Who’s Winning the PPC Battle? |. [ONLINE] Available at: http://blog.ispionage.com/uber-vs-lyft-ppc.html. [Accessed 12 December 2016].

Subscriptions for the Self-Involved

Lets take a think about this.

  1. How many e-mails do you get a day?
  2. Now, how many of them are from companies or organisations?
  3. And finally, how many times do you wish you never subscribed to them?

Giving out your email could go lead you to exploring and discovering things that relate to your interests, or could lead you to wasting your time and filling your inbox with unwanted e-mails.

I am subscribed to the luxury fashion brand, Burberry. I recieve emails regarding their new items, seasonal releases and such. I never usually read in depth most of the emials I received from Burberry, but this week something caught my eye!


The emails I receive from this company are usually straight to the point emails. Not really promoting excessively with over-the-top enthusiasm. As you can see above the title of the email is simply what the email presents “Monogram the Burberry Rucksack”. Burberry tries to maintain a classy, elegant style through clothing as well as through their marketing techniques.

Nobody enjoys cooperating with a company that is too eager. Its a mutual attraction. Subtlety is Burberry’s best policy. Personally, I don’t enjoy excessive information, nor do I enjoy misleading titles. Which is probably why I haven’t unsubsribed to Burberry yet.

Now, I am not a very egotistical person, but who could pass up a customised Burberry bag ? This actually relates back to one of my classes called “Consumer Psychology”, which has allowed a light to shine upon to topic of brands.

Why do I want this ? Is it just because it is a brand associated with a higher socio-economic group? What is it about this email that makes me want to reach for my wallet in my bag, take out my card and make a rediculously stupid and impulsive purchase?

My theory is that you have a different persona when exploring thorugh your emails, as it is private, no one can see who you are subscribed too. And maybe, a your super-ego takes over allowing self-involved characteristics to take charge. Thus, a customised monogrammed bag pack with my initials, took advantage of my current state of mind, pulling me towards an unnecessary irresponsible buy. This can be supported by a study from The University of Texas that reasons the craving of personalisation with “desire of control” and “information overload”.

Now they did only mention being able to monogram the Rucksack Bag in the title, but right below this main image, comes a section of promoting Monograms on some of their other items.

As Burberry attracts a target market that enjoys subtlty and people that enjoy visuals rather than written articles, the way that they have structured and planned out the layout of the email, was visually appealing, giving information about the offers, but not enough to lead the interested customer to click on the hyperlink leading to the website.

The pictures displayed in the email are artistic and not straight forward at all, slightly confusing, allowing my interest and curiosity to blossom, maybe even visit the website to further my understanding on the products.emailb2

Burberry is a stable brand, cut throguh, revolutionising the fashion industry every year. But although classy is classic, their ways of marketing have not evovled over the years, as target markets develop new trends and interests shifting their attention away from the regular Burberry strategies and on to newer modern eye catching marketing campaigns for other brands.

I must affirm that this e-mails Call To Action was successful, with a straightforward title and clear cut layout. It suits the audience quite well and maintains the attitude we expect to see and feel when opening an email as such.

The fashion world is a cold place, and Burberry just heated it up with this email.


Ellis-Chadwick, F., & Doherty, N. F. (2012). Web advertising: The role of e-mail marketing. Journal of Business Research, 65(6), 843-848

Burberry Store Fashion. 2016. Burberry – Iconic British Luxury Brand Est. 1856. [ONLINE] Available at:https://uk.burberry.com/. [Accessed 03 November 2016].


Twitter is Coming

We’ve all heard about King Joffrey’s decapitation via social media in 2014, New Zealand. It was unarguably one of the most interesting and passionate promotional stunts the world has seen.

I mean common? Who woudn’t want to behead the King of the Iron Throne?

New Zealand’s SKY TV wanted to attract some new customers, and what better way to do it than associate with the New Season of the most popular TV show? With every Tweet #BringDownTheKing, the rope around the statue would tighten till eventually crumbling.

Nobody likes to watch advertisements, read about them or even hear about them. In a way, no one likes to be told what to do, or what to buy. Or in this case, what satelite company to join.

Allowing an interactive platform creates an emotional bind between parties (Consumer and Business). It is said that more friendships arise from bonding over mutual hatred rather than mutual love for another. In this case, SKY TV did well, exploiting the Nations Fans into causing a mass media riot in regards to the statue, inevitably causing concern and sprouting curiosity for those who have not see the Award Winning Series.

How did they maximise efficiency regarding the characters exploitation? Brandwatch. A social media monitoring and analytical platform tool designed to track and categorise statistical analysis of those who interact with the stunt. For a leading Marketing company, this is a vital tool to stay ahead of the game and develop an understanding of who, how, where and what factors are contributing to the event and “hype” igniting the flame of Marketing Massacre concerning GoT. This did not only allow is to see who was participating, but “how” and on what other social media platforms were being used leading traditional TV Satelite companies to be nudged in a way.

This Marketing stunt did not only prevail, but achieved maximum end result.

Tracking the social media movement allowed them to be efficiently strategic in a sense.