If you have a company, an organisation, or even if you’re just a wannabe famous person with a few followers, you should be familiar with the simple yet not so simple, concept of e-mail marketing. *Yay*

As all emails, nobody wants to read through a bunch of stuff just because it’s stacked over the part we want to get to. We are turning into a fast pace kind of generation. People barely even take the time to read books anymore, we just skim through things. That being said, DO NOT OVER DO IT. Get straight to the point, make it clear, make it vibrant. Blogger Sophia Bernazzani says that “everyone’s behaviour is different, so be flexible”. This quote was interesting to me, as, how the hell are you supposed to know how each and every person feels or interprets, or what their preferences are. I say BS, flexibility just provides room for questions. And when you send and e-mail you don’t want them to ask any questions. you want them to come in, go out knowing what the hell they just read, fully understanding, and of course at the same time, all with a smile (we’ll get to that later). To conclude: Be clear, it’s an email, not a blog for fudge sake.
Depending on the type of organisation you have, you may want to assess what time and day is best in order for your audience to read it almost instantaneously. For example, if you are a theatre promoting shows through your emails, it is most likely that the target audience will read it later on in the evening, preferably after work. It is essential to experiment with the timings of your emails as well are the intensity of the content. Nobody wants to wake up to an email about helping children in need, when a better response might be received later on during the day after they have gotten home, relaxed and had a large glass of wine, trying to unwind and forget about their hectic never-ending work day.
We are only human, therefore, not everyone can be constantly interested in what you have to say, or what you are trying to promote to them. If they mark your email as spam, take them off your recipient list. It is important to maintain integrity, even though it can be hard whilst being involved in marketing.
Never ever think that just because one email was received successful feedback, that if you follow the same protocol, you will receive the same results. Audiences look to be captivated, not bored by repetitiveness. Change it up, convey your message in different ways. Change is good. It may not seem like a smart choice leaving your comfort zone, but in fact, it will keep the audience questioning the innovative side of the email overtime they tap the open button.
Its always a good idea to lighten the mood. If there is one thing people share in common, its the pursuit for the feeling of happiness. If you can slide in a little joke towards the end, or even near the greeting, it will stimulate some sort of emotional connection to the client. Allowing them to feel more at ease, when reading the rest of the email and perceiving the email in a light hearted fashion.
It’s hard coming up with a great name for your email without sounding too eager or desperate for attention. But the bolder you are with the title, the more attention your email will receive. When thinking of titles, I suggest a pun, or even just a one or two word title. Something straight to the point is usually attractive to customers who are on a busy schedule, so as I previously stated, it all relates back to the kind of consumers you have attracted with your business (or whatever).