How To Not Suck At Email Marketing

If you have a company, an organisation, or even if you’re just a wannabe famous person with a few followers, you should be familiar with the simple yet not so simple, concept of e-mail marketing. *Yay*



As all emails, nobody wants to read through a bunch of stuff just because it’s stacked over the part we want to get to. We are turning into a fast pace kind of generation. People barely even take the time to read books anymore, we just skim through things. That being said, DO NOT OVER DO IT. Get straight to the point, make it clear, make it vibrant. Blogger Sophia Bernazzani says that “everyone’s behaviour is different, so be flexible”. This quote was interesting to me, as, how the hell are you supposed to know how each and every person feels or interprets, or what their preferences are. I say BS, flexibility just provides room for questions. And when you send and e-mail you don’t want them to ask any questions. you want them to come in, go out knowing what the hell they just read, fully understanding, and of course at the same time, all with a smile (we’ll get to that later). To conclude: Be clear, it’s an email, not a blog for fudge sake.


Depending on the type of organisation you have, you may want to assess what time and day is best in order for your audience to read it almost instantaneously. For example, if you are a theatre promoting shows through your emails, it is most likely that the target audience will read it later on in the evening, preferably after work. It is essential to experiment with the timings of your emails as well are the intensity of the content. Nobody wants to wake up to an email about helping children in need, when a better response might be received later on during the day after they have gotten home, relaxed and had a large glass of wine, trying to unwind and forget about their hectic never-ending work day.

 Image result for wine long day at work email couch


We are only human, therefore, not everyone can be constantly interested in what you have to say, or what you are trying to promote to them. If they mark your email as spam, take them off your recipient list. It is important to maintain integrity, even though it can be hard whilst being involved in marketing.


Never ever think that just because one email was received successful feedback, that if you follow the same protocol, you will receive the same results. Audiences look to be captivated, not bored by repetitiveness. Change it up, convey your message in different ways. Change is good. It may not seem like a smart choice leaving your comfort zone, but in fact, it will keep the audience questioning the innovative side of the email overtime they tap the open button.


Its always a good idea to lighten the mood. If there is one thing people share in common, its the pursuit for the feeling of happiness. If you can slide in a little joke towards the end, or even near the greeting, it will stimulate some sort of emotional connection to the client. Allowing them to feel more at ease, when reading the rest of the email and perceiving the email in a light hearted fashion.


It’s hard coming up with a great name for your email without sounding too eager or desperate for attention. But the bolder you are with the title, the more attention your email will receive. When thinking of titles, I suggest a pun, or even just a one or two word title. Something straight to the point is usually attractive to customers who are on a busy schedule, so as I previously stated, it all relates back to the kind of consumers you have attracted with your business (or whatever).

Digital Marketing Proposal For Uber


Uber has become successful is a significantly short amount of time. It has blossomed and grown to heights most companies would have never seen in their lifetime. Uber keeps coming out with new ways to promote its company over and over again, allowing for minimal spread of negative press or even positive press. They have not used third parties such as News Papers to announce their arrival to a new city. In fact, they don’t even announce it themselves. It is a hidden fact that Ubers digital marketers have taken over the industry by storm. They have allowed themselves to thrive on mostly all major social media platforms allowing maximum connections with the target audience. They have gone from event stunts (such as Uber Valentines and Uber Kittens) to Celebrity Stunts (such as the Ed Norton of Fight Club fame) promoting the company with a mere word of mouth.

So how do you only go up from here? Innovation. New ideas are what makes the world go round, what keeps people motivated. We are always looking for bigger and better things. In Ubers case, stick with or start a trend.

The targeted market is for people on the go, those who need to know whether or not to take an umbrella out to dinner tonight, or if it’ll be easy to find a parking space. Or simply call an uber for those rainy days, and save your self a parking ticket with a ride from Uber. so what better than a weekly Uber News letter to those who have an account? Uber will not only then rely on whether or not the audience sees their post, but customers will be notified and interested in what Uber News has to say as it concerns them directly.

Email Campaign

Lets take an example of Uber in London.

Those with location services on, will be recognised as London based customers. As so forth for other people around the globe who use Uber. As you travel, you will not only receive information from the country you are visiting but the country you are from (where you have set your home location on the app). This will be generated by an online server.

The introductory News Letter for London Uber Customers shall look something like this:

Email Sample


To: London Uber Cutomers

Subject: Your Weekly Uber News

Hello Londoners,

We recognise how busy and fast pace your schedules can be in this city, we are here to help. Not only to give you a ride to your desired location, but to inform you on how your city is feeling today.
First up; The Weather
Looks like this week is sweater weather! Can’t find a jacket warm enough? That’s okay, Uber will get you wherever you need to go in a nice warm car! Ask our drivers to stop for a hot beverage if you must!
Second up; Traffic and Car Crowding
Looks like some lines on the underground are being held up today. And some highways have part closure for the rest of the week, do you know any back roads? How about we get you there without any frustration? Sit back and relax, and let one of our Uber drivers handle your transportation needs.
 More at
Third up; Entertainment Of The Week
Beyonce is having twins! You don’t care? Neither do we, but apparently, it’s hit the stands big time!
Ed Sheeran’s new song “Shape of You” hits the charts like none other before, becoming one of his biggest hits! Well aren’t we all in love with the shape of money, congratulations Ed!
A restaurant in Shoreditch called Dirty Bones, is sweeping the nation with it’s Mac’n’Cheese Burger!
               Inline image 1
Fourth up; Politics or Poli-tricks?
Trumps Muslim Ban is causing protest and worry for all people of islam around the globe. How do you feel about this policy? Write to us your views stating why you are for or against his recent changes.
A group of squatters have been caught in an empty Belgravia Mansion said to be worth £15M. Squatters said “How can a huge house be left empty, whilst people like us have no where to go?”. None were prosecuted, but force was used to evacuate the premises.
              Inline image 2
Fifth up; Weekly Uber Game (Interactive with a link leading to ther Uber website where game will be connected to the Uber journey) 
Love Uber? Love Food? Ride with us and find all the words in this puzzle for a Promo Code giving a 10% Discount for Uber Riders a a selected restaurant this week!
*Conditions include: Completing the puzzle whilst on an Uber Journey. Must find all words before journey is finished. Promo code will be sent via e-mail and can be used only once before the end of the week.


















Sixth up; Uber Easter! (Occasional Event Announcement)

Easter is coming! And our favourite activity is an Easter Egg Hunt! But here at Uber, we spice it up with an Easter Uber Hunt!
This easter we are giving you the chance to play #EasterUberHunt where an Uber decorated as an easter egg will be driving around the streets of london for a whole month!
If you are lucky enough to get a ride from the #EasterUber then your ride will be free! But hold on, those who spot it on the street won’t have an empty #UberEaster, if you catch the license plate, it will be a promo code for £1 off your next ride!
Image result for Car easter eggs  (possibility of car shape and design)
Thanks for being a part of our Uber family!
Hope to get a request from you soon!
Uber London



In conclusion, I really truly believe that this idea will be effective and allow consumers to interact directly, not only reminding them of Uber, but allowing them to engage with them in a fun way.