The Malagiri School

Jill’s visit to Malagiri, November 2024.

Jill and fellow supporter Louise travelled to Nepal in November. During their stay they met with members of the Jangchup Charitable Organisation (the NGO that has responsibility for the day to day running of the Malagiri School), attended an international conference, went shopping in Kathmandu to buy much needed resources for the children, and spent two days at the Malagiri School.

Shopping in Kathmandu is a colourful and noisy business. Jill and Louise were grateful for the help of the Head Teacher’s wife, Saraswati, who accompanied them. They were able to purchase a laminator, a desk top printer, exercise books, glue, wall charts, small whiteboards, puzzles and games and lots more – all at a fraction of UK prices!

The Malagiri School is a remarkable place. Jill and Louise experienced the entire school routine. The day begins with washing and teeth cleaning, followed by assembly and lessons. The teachers have all recently completed Montessori training and this has proved successful. The classrooms are colourful, covered in displays and well cared for. Jill observed a reading lesson and was pleased to see the children learning new concepts and responding well. The curriculum is enriched with many opportunities for singing, dancing and even meditation.

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Here are Jill’s reflections as her trip came to an end: “…the school is a happy place, where children are learning and where we are privileged to be able to make a difference to the community…..they are grateful for all our support and are certainly benefitting from our involvement.”

What an inspirational trip!

Lorraine Harrison • December 17, 2024

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