The Malagiri School

Yubraj and pupils wearing celebratory costumes

Special festivities recently celebrated by the Malagiri School pupils

The Sonam Loser (New Year) festivities, celebrated by the Tamang people, are said to have originated from Tibet. To mark this special occasion, the teachers and cooks prepared some traditional Khapsi biscuits for all the children. Many of the pupils wore special costumes, bought by their parents, and performed intricate and exquisite dances. This event was held at a local government school in the village of Titsung.

Sonam Loser celebration   Children dancing to celebrate Sonam Loser

Children wearing celebratory costumes   Children with their teacher

Cook preparing Khapsi biscuits   Teachers and cooks making Khapsi biscuits

Children eating Khapsi biscuits   Khapsi biscuits

The school also organised a celebration puja (worship) for Saraswathi, the Goddess of Knowledge, Music, Art, Wisdom, and Nature. The children paid homage to the Goddess and also enjoyed eating special snacks  – it was a joyful and spiritual celebration that also marked the arrival of Spring.

Parents worshipping the Goddess   A teacher and pupil setting incense sticks   Yubraj marking the forehead of a fellow teacher

A teacher distributing special snacks

Yubraj (head-teacher) organised a sports week that enabled all of the children to take part whilst their parents encouraged them with loud cheers. The activities were varied and enjoyable –  the entire community had a great deal of fun.

Pairs of children holding a balloon between their heads   Children watching the activities

relay races

Relay races   Relay races

Lorraine Harrison • February 18, 2023

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