Anna Kruger
My art practice is diverse and includes paintings, drawings, mixed media works, mainly abstract. Whether it’s painting or collage, I create my 2-D works applying layers, exploring color, texture, opacity and transparency.
My art is created using conscious and subconscious approaches. It can be based on research. I am particularly interested in expressing ideas related to depth psychology and I appreciate the role of intuition, dreams and insight, and my art is influenced by the external and internal world.
As in the psychological process of self discovery, I try to reach previous layers of experience, emotions and memories. In my paintings, mixed works and collages, I return to specific themes, motifs and concepts. My work is often related to the subject of the subconscious, sea and water, and dreams. I perceive the sea, water and the rhythm of the waves as a way to reach my emotions, creative processes and role in self-knowledge.
From among the color schemes, I intuitively choose color harmonies that can relate to water, sea, ocean.
My works often convey impressions from walking on the beach and looking at the sea, they may evoke various memories.
Instagram: @annakrugerart