Welcome to the Interim Exhibition by our MA Fine Art full time students at the University of Brighton.
Figuring out new ways to make and think about fine art practice is central to the first part of the MA Fine Art course at Brighton. This happens through conversations with tutors and peers, group shows, themed workshops, in-depth seminar discussion and group critique of work in progress. We began this year with the excitement of using a new project space which is hosted by the Brighton Centre for Contemporary Art and students started the process of testing out work in this gallery space during the Autumn term. Each artist represented here has taken on the challenge of reconfiguring their practice through new materials, concepts and processes and have taken on the additional challenge of making a sudden shift from using the studio space and project space to using their own living space instead, due to the restrictions required from the pandemic.
This exhibition is a glimpse into each artists journey of discovery so far and will take you to wide ranging subjects and modes of making. We hope you enjoy exploring the exhibition online and we look forward to seeing you again at our future exhibitions.
Amy Cunningham
Course Leader MA Fine Art
University of Brighton
February 2021
Logo design by Layla Ali, MA Fine Art Full-Time Student