Cheeky First Few

So I had an idea and just sort of went with it, because I’m just at the beginning (kind of ) I haven’t started doing my own work yet so while I’m trying to figure out where I’m going I thought I’d start doing some life drawing classes… why not???

I didn’t really have a point of reference in terms of where I was going with them or if I’d even use them I just thought why not start doing something.

I’m gonna continue doing it throughout my project as I want to work on my drawing skills and also potentially incorporate them into illustrations/life  playing around with techniques and finding what’s aesthetically.

I’ve put a wee few photos below to show my initial drawings, I’ve tried to play around with styles keeping some simple and others using shading to get a feel for the aesthetic I’m going for. I like life drawing because in a small amount of time you create a large body of work.

What I think halts my creativity is trying to look too far ahead trying a create ties and links between things that will link naturally. However by overthinking it stops me mentally which is what messes with time scales and organisation, by doing these life drawings it’s helping me stop stressing as much about what I’m going to create.


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