Small Steps

So I’ve got my start point, I just need to not get bogged down stressing about my finish point.

As I focused on Playboy for my dissertation I’ve found it quite difficult to look at Playboy without associating it with all the academic references and gender study issues in which I found in my previous study.

In my research I have started by trying to disassociate it with my dissertation and concentrate purely on the photography element, this has meant looking past the nature and theme of the magazine as well. By ignoring the surrounding influences it has allowed me to appreciate the artistic approach to the editorial’s, thus creating a new outlook that doesn’t focus on the objectification/sexualisation of the women portrayed.

It’s helped me to look more into the composition/lighting and photographs more as artwork less like soft pornography, helping to turn my previous outlook around into a more creative view.

This has enabled me to analyse Playboy in a different way, still with a feminist stance but by stripping (oh the irony) all the surrounding predetermined thoughts and conclusions I had made.

Well now that I’ve given Playboy some new fresh eyes it’s time to start looking into the photographers/similar photographers & artists to broaden my research and relate it more back to art.

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