Inktober 2017 day 31

Last day of Inktober 2017, and I think we’ve had some successes.

Some folk didn’t make it to the finish, waylaid by colds, and work, but there are a number of folks who have lasted the distance. I’d have loved to have seen a few more students involved. Perhaps Next Year.

The stalwart inktoberists are:

Nina who professes not to like drawing really got into the swing of things drawing her favourite cartoon characters on her commute:

Katie Piatt got into her groove once she went digital drawing as befits our elearning leader:


Scarlett stayed strong throughout doing blind contour drawings right through, AND making stop motion videos of the process, AND collating the Inktober wall in the Litho Studio.

Claire documented her travels to the states with some fantastic landscapes:

Kelvin kept a scifi fantasy theme going:


…and I made it too

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