HyHP-SWEP Workshop:”Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena”

We are glad to announce that the  Workshop:”Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena” will take place  on 17th-18th of May 2018 in Brighton.

SWEP Conf 2018 A3 (1)-2fxl3f4

The workshop aims at providing a forum and a brainstorming session for researchers to exchange knowledge on two-phase flows experiments, modeling and simulation, to discuss with worldwide experts their current research, and to propose a better comprehension on the effect of surface wettability on phase-change phenomena.

Nine invited lecturers will give stimulating lectures on various topics related to SWEP:

1.    David Brutin, Polytech’ Marseille, France

2.    Daniel Attinger, Iowa State University, USA

3.    Paolo di Marco, University of Pisa, Italy

4.    Carlo Antonini EMPA, Switzerland

5.    Davide del Col, University of Padova, Italy

6.    Vadim Nikolayev, CEA, France

7.    James Sprittles, University of Warwick, UK

8.   Rohit Pillai, University of Edinburgh, UK

9.    Yukihiro Yonemoto, Kumamoto University, Japan

We invite you to submit abstracts presenting the results of your original research in the area of experiments, modeling and simulation of wettability effects. The accepted abstracts will be included in a poster session during the workshop.

Send your abstracts by email to Dorothée Friedrich, Dorothea.FRIEDRICH@umons.ac.be

Abstract submission is 28 February 2018
Acceptance of the abstract 15 March 2018
Submission of the final abstract and early bird payment 30 March 2018

REGISTRATION at https://delegate.brighton.ac.uk/swep2018

For any enquire about the organisation and logistics, send an email to: Southcoastevents@brighton.ac.uk
Best regards

Prof. Marco Marengo, University of Brighton
Prof. Joel De Coninck, University of Mons


SWEP Conf 2018 A3 (1)-2fxl3f4

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