The kick-off meeting of the EPSRC HyHP Research Project will be held in Brighton (room 808 in Cockcroft Building, Moulscoomb Campus). It will be an interaction between the academic and the industrial partners that support the Project. The Principal Investigator of the Project, Prof. Marco Marengo, will initially present the Objectives, the Working Plan and the Deliverables of the EPSRC HyHP Research Project. Presentations about the state-of-the-art of the three main brunches of the HyHP Project will also take place by Dr Mauro Mameli, Dr Daniele Mangini and Dr Anastasios Georgoulas (Co-investigator of the Project). Finally, the participants will also talk about the Project’s Timetable, the Applications and the Industrial Involvement and the Dissemination of the Project to the Public.
The agenda of the Kick-off meeting: The agenda-1ae21gp