humanities society event

Come to a talk from Professor Tony Booth on Islamic Philosophy on 18 November, 6.30pm

Come to the Humanities Society event at the University of Brighton’s Edward Street to hear this University of Sussex professor discuss Islamic philosophy. This is a drop in society – you can sit back, listen and relax, or ask questions and debate! Everyone is welcome.
Continue reading “Come to a talk from Professor Tony Booth on Islamic Philosophy on 18 November, 6.30pm”

cover of the new edition which features a flame

Decolonising the Curriculum – new issue

The latest issue of Decolonising the Curriculum is now available with a focus on teaching and learning about race equality.

The publication features multidisciplinary articles, with examples of evidenced-based practices, from academics and thoughts from students across five Higher Education institutions including Dr Lambros Fatsis from the School of Applied Social Sciences.

Download your copy.(pdf)

open city podcast image

Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast

In the wake of the BLM protests, podcast series Slavery and the City looks at what it means for Britain to reckon with the history of the transatlantic slave trade – and Humanities lecturer Anita has contributed to the second episode on London’s Guildhall and the slave ship, Zong massacre.

Continue reading “Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast”

becca searle

“I am fascinated by international relations and global politics and how it directly impacts people’s lives in ways that may not be immediately apparent”

Dr Becca Searle and Dr Heba Youssef teach on our new politics degrees – here we find out a bit more about what made them want to specialise in this fascinating subject and how they teach politics at Brighton. Continue reading ““I am fascinated by international relations and global politics and how it directly impacts people’s lives in ways that may not be immediately apparent””

deborah madden

Humanities lecturer Dr Deborah Madden leads census project to be featured on BBC 3 podcast

The collaborative project (Census 2021: Using historical census data to highlight changing patterns in health, disability, housing, employment and identity) will use the upcoming census for creative learning sessions with under-represented local groups. Continue reading “Humanities lecturer Dr Deborah Madden leads census project to be featured on BBC 3 podcast”

angela saini

International Women’s Day: A Conversation with Angela Saini on 10 March, 12noon

Students and staff are invited to this free event hosted by the Universities of Brighton and Sussex which sees award-winning science journalist and author of ‘Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong’ and ‘Superior: the Return of Race Science’ speaking to our staff and students. Book your place now. Continue reading “International Women’s Day: A Conversation with Angela Saini on 10 March, 12noon”