Tagged: video

.gif experimentation

I started to create simple .gif animations from my illustrations/collages. I looked at elements of the image I could make move or appear/disappear to create a more dynamic and exciting image that viewers would look at rather than scroll past. In this image I erased sections of the yellow brush stroke and saved the image at each stage before combining the frames into a .gif to show the scribble being ‘painted’ on the screen.

still up gif improved
I then experimented with this collage I made near the beginning of the module. I scanned the collage in and then used the clone tool and spot healing brush to fill in the curtain and flooring to make the ballet dancer disappear but still leave the photograph looking whole. This created a really eerie effect which I thought fit in with the Twitter text of ‘What’s happening?’.

ballet gif improved

molly soda: “from my bedroom to yours”

To kick off my research for this project, I visited Molly Soda’s solo exhibition at Annka Kultys gallery. Molly Soda is an internet artist whose work I was familiar with already, but her style fits nicely into the concept I am looking at for this module. Molly’s work consists of videos, gifs and New Hive-created digital pieces.

All the works were displayed on tablets, laptops, iphones or mounted screens around the room, and the gallery space was filled with pink beanbags and potted plants to create a comfortable atmosphere to make visitors feel like they have been invited into the artist’s bedroom.

Each piece of digital work was for sale and once bought could be transferred onto an embellished USB memory stick.

I love the idea of linking our use of the internet as a diary with the concept of teen girls’ bedrooms and what a private space that is – a great contrast with our publicised thoughts and feelings on social media.

drawing & interaction: starting point

As my starting point for AD138, I selected a piece of music by Holly Herndon which I was introduced to in a lecture several weeks ago. Holly Herndon composes her music mainly via her laptop, using digital programmes and methods to create computer-based work.

Her single ‘Chorus’ that I chose for my starting point ‘sampled her browsing experience on the internet’ by incorporating sounds taken from the web – I was drawn to this idea because I think its  a really unique and interesting way of making music and commenting on how much of our lives are spent online and how attached we now find ourselves to the internet.