Tagged: cyber

magazine concept: sex/relationships and internet dating

After mindmapping the current zeitgeist/scene amongst people around our age, we decided a theme stood out to all of us and this was social media, connectivity and mainly, internet dating. We chose our magazine to have a theme of modern relationships and perhaps more broadly, matters of youth culture, with our first issue being heavily themed around Tinder and internet dating.

We wanted our publication to tackle the topics not often explicitly talked about in young adults’ publications, with our magazine providing a platform to create a commentary on these new ways of living and connecting. The magazine will challenge norms and what is ‘acceptable’, giving a satirical, fun and light-hearted approach while also being a publication that readers can identify with.

final zine!!

IMG_8162When I came to print my zine and put all the pages together, including my laser-cut cover and pink end pages, I used a 5 hole pamphlet stitch to bind it together as one publication. 

I also packaged them in A5 cellophane bags to help protect the laser-cut design and glitter paper, and also give them a clean, polished look.

collage experimentation

As part of my image-making experimentation within my concept, I bought a range of old 1950s photographs in a local thrift store, and decided to place them in collages with imagery related to social media and internet use. By juxtaposing these vintage photos with iMessage conversations, Twitter and Facebook text boxes, it creates a strange contrast between how people spent their days prior to the internet and social media and how we spend our time and communicate now. I also found that placing these different kinds of images with each other created storylines and a weird sense of mystery about the photographs and the characters within them.


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molly soda: “from my bedroom to yours”

To kick off my research for this project, I visited Molly Soda’s solo exhibition at Annka Kultys gallery. Molly Soda is an internet artist whose work I was familiar with already, but her style fits nicely into the concept I am looking at for this module. Molly’s work consists of videos, gifs and New Hive-created digital pieces.

All the works were displayed on tablets, laptops, iphones or mounted screens around the room, and the gallery space was filled with pink beanbags and potted plants to create a comfortable atmosphere to make visitors feel like they have been invited into the artist’s bedroom.

Each piece of digital work was for sale and once bought could be transferred onto an embellished USB memory stick.

I love the idea of linking our use of the internet as a diary with the concept of teen girls’ bedrooms and what a private space that is – a great contrast with our publicised thoughts and feelings on social media.