A Selection of Work from Level 5 Book Arts Option 2014/15

christina_hewitt2 christina_hewitt3 Christina Hewitt

molly_cummings  molly_cummings2 Molly Cummings

alice_tenquist2 alice_tenquist3  alice_tenquist4 Alice Tenquist

Jo_Smith   Jo Smith

felicity_chadwick Felicity Chadwick

jo_bligh jo_bligh2  jo_bligh3 Jo Bligh

matthew_broadhead2 matthew_broadhead3 Matthew Broadhead

jessica_kemp jessica_kemp2 Jessica Kemp

sally_holditch2 Sally Holditch

simona_karvauskaite Simona Karvauskaite




  Elinor Perch





  Ella Hetherington





 Sally Garrett





 Elinor Harston




 Tess Lari

ellen_balcomb1   ellen_balcomb2



  Ellen Balcomb




  Matilda Grover

elinor_pearch   elinor_pearch2



 Elinor Pearch





  Lizzie Hutchison










Sewing With Eight Needles


Prototype book being sewn by Rebecca Henson during L5 Graphics Elective. This elective offers students space and time to develop their bookbinding skills.

To explore the potential of making horizontal lines (or vertical depending on your point of view) across the spine of a book with the sewing structure, Rebecca used 8 needles arranged into 4 pairs. The pairs of needles cross over each other on the inside of the sections and hang down when not in use so that they don’t get tangled up.

This is a version of 2-needle Ethiopian bookbinding.