Lauren presents at Brighton & Sussex University Food Network symposium


Recent masters graduate, Lauren Shukru presented the findings from her dissertation research to the recent Brighton & Sussex University Food Network Symposium see bsufn.

The title of her presentation was

“What do young people aged 16-18 in further education think about healthy eating, and what does this mean for health promotion?”

Her focus group research identified that the increase in autonomy that came with the transition from school to further education college was viewed with ambivalence, and there was a sense of nostalgia for the routine and regulation associated with school. Young people in further education colleges were experiencing stress and uncertainty and, although peer-pressure about food choices had reduced since school, the need to be part of a social group remained strong. Snacking and convenience were drivers of unhealthy eating behaviours, with a clear culture of ‘grab-and-go’ food that enabled students to eat with friends in the brief gaps between taught sessions.

Lauren is currently writing up her work  with support from Carol and Nigel and plans to submit for publication.


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