Ongoing Projects

Undergraduate Projects

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

  1. Caffeine Doses: Looking at the effects of different caffeine doses on Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Exercise Induced Muscle Pain, and Blood Lactate Concentrations. Project Students: Zach Hunt, Laura Zagarella
  2. HIIT -v- Reduced exertion (RE)-HIIT: Looking at the effects of different acute HIIT protocols on glucose tolerance. 
    Project Students: Will Murphy

Postgraduate Projects

  1. The effects of a single HIIT session on biochemical markers of bone turnover.

    This project will involve taking a venous blood sample pre, immediately post and 24-h post a single HIIT training session then analysing these samples for biochemical markers of bone turnover: P1NP and CTx-1 using the ELISA method.

  2. Quantifying strain associated with a single HIIT session.

    This project will involve using accelerometer and EMG to attempt to quantify the force exerted by the quadriceps during a single HIIT session. This project will be very experimental in nature, as there has been limited work as to quantifying the force produced during this type of exercise. The aim is to establish whether the force produced during this style of intervention is high enough to induce adaptations in bone mass if undertaken over a significant period of time. This project is producing pilot data to go with some other work in order to develop a larger scale project grant to fund at least 1 PhD examining this phenomenon.

If you are interested in taking part in any of the above projects please get in touch by email or Twitter

Previous Projects

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

  1. Caffeine Doses: Looking at the effects of different caffeine doses on Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Exercise Induced Muscle Pain, and Blood Lactate Concentrations. Project Students: Lily Say, Jack Hill, Jack Stainthorp
  2. HIIT -v- Reduced exertion (RE)-HIIT: Looking at the effects of different acute HIIT protocols on glucose tolerance. 
    Project Students: Ikedi Eruchie

Postgraduate Projects

  1. HIIT and Glucose Tolerance: Looking at how HIIT exercise influences glucose metabolism. Project Student: Niyushka Ram
  2. Caffeine and Exercise Adherence: Examining how caffeine influences RPE and Exercise Induced Muscle Pain  following multiple bouts of HIIT. Project Student: Vince Rhodes. Co-supervisor: Louisa

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