Well that was difficult….
So day 2 of my training today did not start well. I found it almost impossible to get out of bed. Think this was a combination of the 5k start I made yesterday, and also the fact that I had cricket nets last night (which did not go well!), so when Gemma’s alarm went off at 7am, it seemed a much better idea to roll over and go back to sleep.
Previously I would have done, but it was the thought of having to write that which tipped the balance into getting up. Gemma asked if I was going to go for a run (having heard about all my aches and pains) and I said “just a short one”. It turned out actually not that short.
I said to myself as I went out the door turning on Map My Run, just go for 2.5 km and that will be better than not doing anything, and might help to relieve some of the aches. The first kilometre was PAINFUL, I thought my knees were falling off and my back was very stiff and sore, I thought to myself, why bother…this is ridiculous. BUT I got through that and after the 1 km split came through my headphones (about 5.50) I was into it, and the next thing I know I have done 3 km and am left with a choice to head back, I had got to the exit of the Park nearest my flat, or to continue and do another small loop.
I chose to do another small loop. For me this was a big mental victory as it would have been easy to exit there and end up doing a 3.4 km run and give myself a pat on the back for just going, but I ended up doing an extra kilometre and think that if I can keep making that choice it will be a good thing.
Day 3 tomorrow and I am back at my parents, before playing Cricket on Sunday, so I need to make sure that I take some kit to ensure that this start, and that is all it is, doesn’t fade into another failed attempt to change a few lifestyle choices.