Alexander McQueen | Death aesthetics

In my eyes, his designs are weird, wild but beauty. He dressed women in feathers, topped their heads with birds and butterflies. His designs are not like real world, they are supernatural like a heretic.

Sarabande flower dress SS2007, “Remember Sam Taylor – Wood’s dying fruit? Things rot…I used flowers because they died. My mood was darkly romantic at the time.” Lots of his works make me feel like I was  in a dark cage.

Real world or the illusion?

Yayoi Kusama is suffering from mental illness, I don’t know whether she is conscious when she is making her works, what she wants to express, is a rational psychotic or a philosopher sleepwalking into a new world.

Her artwork is an expression of her life, particularly of her mental disease, some small works reflect the great depth of her inner heart. They represent an assertion of denial, or a negative, while her White Infinity Nets are an expression of a positive.

Her works are characterised by dense, endless dots, stripes, and bright colours. Dot and her mental illness become to the deepest imprint of this artist.

People fear in their own world and wast time hurriedly, but she insist on creating “Yayoi Kusama’s world”.

“Polka dots symbolise disease. The couch bristled with phalluses. The macaroni-strewn floor symbolised fear of sex and food, while the nets symbolise horror toward infinity of the universe, we can not live without air.”

Photography of collage by Yayoi Kusama with the artist reclining on ‘Accumulation No.2’

Yayoi Kusama | obsessive artist

Yayoi Kusama intended to suicide very frequently when she was a girl, she realised only by painting the spots in the illusion could makes herself feel better in her poor family life.

Mirror Room – Phalli’s Field (1965)

A room lined with mirrored panels of carpeted with several hundred bright polka dotted soft fabric protrusions which the visitor was completely absorbed.


In many areas of art, the pain translates into inspiration, the defect becomes a gift.


How do you escape reality?

If you are an escapist, probably because you don’t really like the job you are working in, or the course you are studying, so you probably have this desire to quite your job or or drop out school. However, everything is not that east, there could be many things in your life that you wish weren’t there. They could be finance problem, family relationship, and things which you don’t have control over.

There are many ways to release pressure (in some positive ways):

-Sport, gym

-Food (such as desserts can make people feel better)


-Reading (fiction like fantasy and sic-fi)

-Creating new things

(in some negative ways):


-Be addicted to video games

-Become drunk and violent


Many people who has serious mental problem people are always treat them differently, but WHY?

Most of people could be an escapist in this society, they day dream a lot and escapist are people who want to create their own reality whilst they go about their daily routine.

Yayoi Kusama

Everyone have heard about her. She is a Japanese contemporary artist. She has explained her use of repetition and polka dots as a means to explore infinity and obessively  negate the self. She returned to Japan in the 1970s to live in a mental hospital.

She is very creative, and capable of making her own alternate.