ESDinds Project Partners

Please note that these pages relate to a research project that is now ended. Please follow this link to read more about more of our recent work.

The ESDinds project consortium is made up of four Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), two Research Institutions (RTDs) and one Independent Advisor.

Civil Society Organisations:
Four diverse CSOs will contribute their unique experience and expertise to defining and testing value-based indicators for Education for Sustainable Development projects. These CSOs are:

  • The Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) UK, a secular body that helps the major religions of the world to develop their own environmental programmes, based
    on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.
  • The European Baha’i Business Forum(EBBF) France, a non-profit organisation of individuals practicing and promoting moral and ethical values in business. EBBF attracts a community of people passionate about bringing ethical values, personal virtues and moral leadership into their workplaces.
  • The Earth Charter Initiative (ECI) Costa Rica, an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions that participate in promoting and implementing the values and principles of the Earth Charter.
  • People’s Theater Germany, a non-profit program which uses drama workshops to help school children explore social responsibility.

Research Institutions:
Two research institutions will develop indicators relevant to the projects run by each of these CSOs, relating them to academic and national level indicators. These RTDs are:

Independent Advisor:
An independent advisor will oversee the project, and provide guidance to all the organisations involved.

  • Arthur Dahl was until recently a Deputy Assistant Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). He is now a consultant to UNEP and other international organizations on indicators of sustainability, environmental assessment and observing strategies, coral reefs, biodiversity, islands, environmental education, and social and economic development.