
Please note that these pages relate to a research project that is now ended. Please follow this link to read more about more of our recent work.

Collaborate on the ESDinds Project

Experiment with us, take part!

Organisations, social enterprises, people and projects are invited to take part in the next research phase and trial the indicators developed in the ESDinds project within their own contexts.

We Value is our online collaborative platform from which you will be able to engage with the research and learn from the experiences of others. You will also be the first members of a growing community of knowledge and practice that will develop beyond the end of the ESDinds project in January 2011.

Collaborate and share knowledge
Individuals, organisations and academics with relevant expertise are encouraged to provide information and advice to the ESDinds project. Please contact us and let us know:

  • Your contact details
  • Why you are interested in this project
  • How you would like to be involved