Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

students with the thoughts board

Student Voice Week

The School of Education held its first Student Voice Week in December.

The event was designed in consultation with students with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of how School of Education students understand the term ‘student voice’ and their experiences of it during their study-lives.

Dr Richard Wallis, Associate Dean in the School of Education, shared the key objective of the project stating that is was to “find out from our student body, what they understand student voice to mean and how it has been most effectively experienced during the course of their study”.

Throughout the week students could visit our stands to chat with student voice ambassadors, add to the ‘thoughts board’, complete a survey and eat cakes and pastries! Over the course of the week the ambassadors were visited by around 150 students.

The Student Engagement Champion in the school, said: “We were delighted by the success of our first Student Voice week. Students really engaged with the activities and we received some fantastic suggestions as to how we can improve their experiences.”

The findings of the week will help improve the ways in which we liaise with students in the future. We are already implementing monthly student voice pop-ups with the first taking place in February.

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Kerry Burnett • January 24, 2020

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