Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

a smiling Rosie Moore

Sharing good practice

The School of Education Inclusion Steering Group meets three times a year.

The group is formed of academics, students and education professionals with a view to sharing good practice and new initiatives in relation to a broader conception of inclusive practice, and create a reflective space to engage with new ideas and share research.

The final group of the year took place on 26 June, with two foci: mental health and LGBT trainee teachers. Those who attended included lecturers, partners including senior leaders in schools, educational psychologists, local authority professionals, charities, teachers from mainstream and specialist provision, and undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Discussions included:

  • Elizabeth Freeman, lead of the Wellbeing Service in BHISS talked about approaches to wellbeing in Brighton and Hove schools
  • Alicia Drummond and Helen Sundaram from TeenTips shared their video resources for teachers, developing knowledge and understanding of wellbeing and mental health
  • Lis Bundock, senior lecturer, shared insights into the challenges of working as a LGBTQ trainee teacher from her own research project.

Christina Camm • July 11, 2019

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