Despite the current challenges due to Covid19, our members have been very active in their projects:

Dr Marcus Winter’s collaborative Discover Brighton work with QueenSpark Books, Brighton & Hove’s community publisher is now live.


Discover Brighton is a new website with unique history walks you can access via your phone as you wander around the city. Created by volunteers and covering all aspects of the city’s history, the material is taken from QueenSpark Books’ four latest books.
Take a pleasant stroll along the seafront to hear about the West Pier in its heyday and strange things hauled up in fishing nets; Discover what it was like to be gay in the 1950s and 60s and what life was like in the city during the War; Explore Brighton’s lost theatres, cinemas and shops, and hear from those whose ‘slum’ homes were demolished to make way for Churchill Square; Visit the city’s alternative spaces, peek into the terraced homes of the rich and poor, and discover Brighton’s unsung heroes.
The website is part of the Archives Alive project, supported by the National Heritage Lottery Fund, and involved technical consultancy work by Marcus Winter from the Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems at the University of Brighton.
Dr Panagiotis Fotaris was the chair for the14th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2020. The event was held online during the 24-25 September 2020. Dr Fotaris will be the chair for the 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2020
He has also published the following papers:

Educational Escape Room for Disaster Preparedness and Response Training Kazanidis, I., Gotzamanis, V., Fotaris, P. & Tsinakos, A., 24 Sep 2020, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2020. Fotaris, P. (ed.). Reading, UK, p. 832-839 (Proceedings of the European conference on games-based learning).

Escape room in education: Evaluating using Experience Pyramid Model Karageorgiou, Z., Mavrommati, I., Fotaris, P. & Christopoulou, E., 13 Oct 2020, SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 – 5th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference. Corfu, Greece: IEEE, p. 1-8 8 p. 9221798. (SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 – 5th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference).

Escape rooms for STEAM education: Comparing design phases Karageorgiou, Z., Fotaris, P. & Mavrommati, I., 24 Sep 2020, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2020. Fotaris, P. (ed.). Reading, UK, p. 287-294 (Proceedings of the European conference on games-based learning).

Myrsini Samaroudiand Dr Karina Rodriguez Echavarriahad their work on lockdown research on museum provision published:

Samaroudi, M., Rodriguez Echavarria, K., & Perry, L. (2020). Heritage in lockdown: digital provision of memory institutions in the UK and the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic. Museum Management and Curatorship, 35(4), 337-361 .

Dr Natalie Edelman had her research work published:

Performance of a tool to identify different types of self-reported sexual risk among women attending a contraception and sexual health clinic: results of a cross-sectional survey

Edelman, N., Whetham, J., Cassell, J. A., de Visser, R., Mercer, C., Jones, C., Gersten, A. & Bremner, S., 4 Jun 2020, In : BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.

Dr Almas Baimagambetov presented on November the 24th at the JFX days on the topic “Modern JavaFX Game Development with FXGL”. 

Dr Theo Fotis, was an invited speaker by the British Embassy in Seoul to present his work with the Digital Health Living Labs at the UK-KOREA Smart City Symposium held online 14th-15th October 2020. The event was attended by more than 4500 people over the two days.




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