With a little help

With a little help, Max Gill, Sirpa Kutilainen, University of Brighton Design Archives
Design Archives’ volunteer Suzie Horada mechanically surface cleaning a Max Gill map from 1942

To try and maximise the time I have for the conservation treatments when I get to the studio, I made a decision to mechanically surface clean some of the smaller pieces on premises here at the Design Archives. For this, I enlisted the help of our current volunteer, Suzie Horada, who is a History of Design student here at Brighton. After explaining to her the reason for doing this, and more importantly how to do it safely, we have mechanically surface cleaned the smaller scale items that will only need flattening in the conservation studio.

In total, eight of the exhibition pieces have now been surface cleaned. Three of these I can go ahead and scan before handing them over to the Senior Technician David Cooper at the University Gallery for framing.

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