Feedback on Ombuds Series @Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid/ Podcast Show #facebook

I am thrilled to share the #feedback I got via #facebook from the very brilliant Oluchi Egbuta, Esq aka Lu-Rui. She stated

“Your work is trailblazing. First real orientation of #ombudsman, origin etc that I got was from your #show. Keep doing great”!

#dallu rinne nnemoh for the excellent feedback! #Chukwu gozie gi🙏🏾.

If you missed the Ombuds series @Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. Please click on the link below <> to listen to our very own #American Bar Association #ABA DR Vice Chair Liz Hill. Analyse the origin of ombuds, its meaning and features. The different types of #ombuds and #conflicts that can be resolved via ombuds amongst others.

Sending love and light,


#ombudsday #2024 #adr #disputeresolution #peace #podcast #youtubelinkinbio #youtube #tech #contentcreator #education #awareness #massadvocacyadr #marketing #marketingadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #world

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