I was privileged to engage in a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Justice Dr Anthony Gafoor on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. He is the Chief Judge of the Tax Appeal Court of Trinidad and Tobago, which he has chaired for the past twenty (20) years. This Superior Court of Record employs both judicial dispute resolution and mediation techniques to resolve disputes.
Justice Dr Anthony Gafoor is also the Branch Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Caribbean Branch and a certified Mediator and Arbitrator.
He wears many hats, so I have left the link to his profile: https://tt.linkedin.com/in/anthony-gafoor-579032169.
In this series, we comprehensively examined Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and its significant role in enhancing access to justice in the Commonwealth Caribbean (CC). Justice Dr Gafoor provided an overview of the history and evolution of ADR practices within the CC region with a particular focus on Trinidad and Tobago (TT).
He highlighted the fact that these practices were already in place amongst the Indigenous people in TT prior to the introduction of the court system. We examined the benefits and challenges associated with implementing ADR in Trinidad and Tobago, along with the current laws and regulations governing its practice. Justice Dr Gafoor pointed out that using ADR lowers costs and reduces the time spent compared to traditional court cases.
Furthermore, he revealed the level of awareness among employees in TT regarding ADR options for workplace disputes or conflicts and issues such as discrimination, bullying, and harassment in the workplace. Justice Gafoor also offered a forward-looking perspective on the future of international legal research in TT, especially as it pertains to ADR.
In conclusion, he emphasised the proactive initiatives and programs established by the Chartered Institute of Arbitration to promote ADR across the CC region, reinforcing the importance of these practices in building a more just and equitable society.
**You can order my book- Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Comparative Perspectives Nigeria, the UK, and the US via #springer: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-57476-4.
Please subscribe to the EVA YouTube channel & listen to this episode on all podcast channels- #audible #apple #amazon #overcast #google #spotify #listennotes #playerfm #pocketcasts #anghami Podcast link: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/V9EJ8xjVFOb.
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